
Democratic And Unemocratic Features Of The American Colonies By 1733

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The American Colonies in 1733 had a unique political landscape that was characterized by both democratic and undemocratic features. While some of the features were designed to promote the rights and freedoms of the colonists, others were designed to maintain the power and authority of the British government. This essay will examine two democratic features and two undemocratic features of the American Colonies by 1733. One of the most significant democratic features of the American Colonies was the concept of representation. The colonists believed that they had the right to be represented in the British Parliament, which had the power to pass laws that affected their lives. This was a critical democratic feature because it recognized the importance of the people's voice in the decision-making process. However, the British government did not share this view and believed that the colonists did not have the …show more content…

The British government believed that the colonies existed solely to serve the interests of Britain and should be used to provide raw materials and a market for British goods. This undemocratic feature meant that the colonists had limited economic opportunities and were not allowed to trade with other countries. The British government also imposed taxes on the colonists to finance their wars and to maintain their empire, which the colonists saw as an unfair burden. Another undemocratic feature of the American Colonies was the concept of the Navigation Acts. These laws restricted colonial trade to only British ships and ports, which greatly limited the economic opportunities of the colonies. This undemocratic feature meant that the colonists had to pay higher prices for goods and had limited access to markets outside of Britain. The Navigation Acts also limited the growth of American industry, which prevented the colonists from achieving economic

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