1. What Are The Barriers Facing Jagan?

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Q. 2 Jagan is 22 years old and has been living with various friends for a year or so after leaving his home following an argument with his parents. He has a job at a local mall. He absents himself from work regularly and has been pulled up many a times for coming in late. Whenever there is an avenue for promotion or further training, Jagan is ignored as he is considered to be unreliable. Frustrated by the fact that his life seems to be going nowhere, he has also taken up smoking and drinking. He has always dreamed of a luxurious life but is now convinced that the chances of him fulfilling his dreams are very bleak. Questions: 1. What are the barriers facing Jagan? Ans . BARRIERS: There are few barriers that are standing in your way and preventing you from daring yourself to new level of greatness. Barriers are imaginary obstacles …show more content…

Face your fear When you are fear changes take some time out for yourself. Writing down these fear in an objective form can stop you in dwelling on them. The person should go through each fear and you should write down what you could do if that fear can pass 3. Confront your feeling and seak support: The employee should face the feeling about fear and the transition you are going through , especially when the changes are going through , especially when the changes are going beyond your control. Changes could mean that you have to cope up with a loss of co workers , team and prject the that you really care about 4. Be flexible and embracing change: Instead of hiding from your fear and creating defenses to keep it away from you , be open and flexible to take a new challenges and task. Even you don’t like something in the system , if you are flexible with people will want to work with you ,and there is grater channel to change. 5. Be a part of changes 6. Have a sense of meaning Question. What kind of reinforcement strategies would stimulate Manish to learn further? Answer. The reinforcement strategies are/; 1. Positive reinforcement

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