Technology In Education Research Paper

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Learning ‘using’ technologies has become a widely accepted phenomenon. The combination of education and technology has pioneered a stone for human progress. The national governments and non-governmental agencies who fund educational endeavours in developing countries have supported the use of new technologies to reduce the cost of accessing education by children and adults lacking in education. But, the rapid emergence of new technologies has brought certain uncertainties too. If these new technologies at a time of dramatic population increase continue to produce more and more with less and less labor input then the world is headed with hundreds of millions of marginalized humans. The current need of the world is having a skill …show more content…

By using studio and technology, learning task is enhanced. One should be a professional practitioner of one’s chosen subject area by disseminating it further. Use of new technology in teaching and tutoring engages teachers but it also creates certain scepticism. By embedding new technology time to time, the teacher has to meet new challenges which can be an extra burden for him/her. Some teachers feel threatened by new technology and experience; this may make the teacher superfluous. Most people are reluctant to learn the technical aids as these are complicated. Their complication leads to dissatisfaction and frustration and often becomes a barrier for further use. So these should be easy to handle. Their easy handling as well as sufficient knowledge about the technology results in increased motivation of …show more content…

Advantages of Technology in Education
With the advancement in Technology, the world has become a better place as well as lives are better and easier, especially in the fields of science, medicine and education. Promotes independent learning in students: With the help of internet, students can search information. They can look up their lessons online without assistance from parents and teachers. Unlike regular textbooks, electronic books and web-based content are updated in real time. One can study anytime irrespective of time bounds whether day or night and anywhere irrespective of India or US. Prepares students for the future: The coming time is digital and technology-focused, so students using technology should cultivate skills necessary to handle innovative devices and processes. Lowers textbook and tuition prices: With resources more accessible and in great abundance, the cost of textbooks as well as tuition is likely to

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