Essay On Masculine Person

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A masculine person has various physical traits that makes them “masculine”. One of those traits is height; a masculine person is tall, usually taller than 5’6”. Additionally, a masculine person has broad shoulders, which relates with my next trait of having an athletic body. This pertain to either slimness or bulkiness, and having some definition and muscles in their body. A masculine person also has a sharp jawline, among of prominent sharp features such as eyebrows, noses, etc. which makes their face squarer and proportionate and therefore more “masculine”. Next, a masculine person also has various hair lengths, long, short or none at all. Some masculine people have facial hair such as mustaches, beards, leg and armpit hair.
The activities that a masculine person participates in are playing and watching sports because they are athletic. They also are hands on so they would build and fix things like wood working, technical repairs and construction. Another activity is being interested in cars, boats and motorcycles. A masculine person also participates in risky activities such as paintballing, mountain biking and sky diving etc. because they are brave. Another would be hunting and fishing for food. The next activity is having a lot of casual sex as masculine people are supposed to be hypersexual. They also …show more content…

For some men, this notion of masculinity is forced on them from childhood and in some cases, it is a hard bind to break out of because there has not really been a concentrated effort to free men from the demands of their gender roles. While there has been a fight to free women from the restricting stereotypical gender roles so it is more socially acceptable in some countries for women to diverge from their traditional gender roles and explore their gender. However, now more than ever, we see an increase of men exploring their gender and finding out who they truly

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