Essay On Punctuation Marks

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As people go through life, they as humans, tend to sort things into two categories: simple and complex. Simple things are those that they can be sure of or that have been figured out, or so they think. Complicated things are the ones that take a little more time to understand. If one would sit down and take the time to think about the complex things, that are hard to understand, then he or she may come to realize that they are not as complicated as one had thought. The seemingly complex concept of punctuation marks proves to be more simplistic than many may take at face value. Punctuation allows readers to understand the meanings and attitudes that are expressed in the written text. The punctuation marks, including dashes, apostrophes, ellipsis, and colons, are often misused and misunderstood. Because of this misusage, there is often a misunderstanding of what is trying to be conveyed. With a more clear understanding of the purpose and meaning of punctuation marks, more punctuation marks should be used in a grammatically correct way. Ellipsis, those three consecutive periods, can often be found replacing the periods, …show more content…

Punctuation is often misunderstood and therefore misused. Punctuation marks have a more simple meaning and usage than many think. The ellipsis is often overused and an understanding of the purpose of the mark should help reduce the over usage. An em dash can replace the frequently used punctuation marks (commas, parentheses, colons, and semicolons) to change the way readers interpret the writing. An apostrophe is a punctuation mark that allows writers to shorten words, show a possession, and sometimes make words plural. The colon has similar characteristics to the em dash and the semicolon while having a quality unique to itself. The ellipsis, em dash, apostrophe, and colon are often misused, but with the understanding of how to use them and their effects, the punctuation marks are not as complicated as they had previously

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