Essay On Sadness In My Life

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life, sadness and recovery
In the year of nineteen forty-nine I was to experience the saddest time of my life. I did not even know it at that time but my father seemed to have had a stroke in May and was taken to hospital. Then we later learned that he had passed away. I could not believe it. After we got the news we sat around silently. One of our neighbours came to our house. She put us children together in our front room and made us start to cry at the loss of our father. My father’s body was brought into the house. I was being led to the room where the body laid but then I was stopped from entering the room and seeing my father. Someone thought that it would not be good for the young me to look at my father who was dead. The body was then taken out and cremated. There was there was then a void in my life. I never talked about it. I do remember one day when my mother was bringing in some washed clothing from the outside washing-line, I don’t know why I asked her what clothing she was carrying. She told me that it was my father’s clothing and I grasped the clothing close to me and hugged it. I …show more content…

At home we also were joined by our cousin Jagan Nath from my mother’s side, (my Bhapaji) who had been married in India. I enjoyed the time that I had with his wife and him (my Bhapiji. He said, “I will give you a bicycle if you manage to get to the top of your class at the end of the year.” I was well to get to 5th place in class that I had joined in their second term but, not enough to win bike. However, I did get to learn to ride a bicycle using the bigger bicycle that my brother had. I could not sit in the seat, but I rode with my right leg going through the aluminium frame to the right pedal and my left leg on the near pedal. The handle above me would be grasped from a hanging position and I managed to ride the big bicycle. That form of riding a bicycle was also used by other small

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