Essay On Tropical Fish Breeding

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Tropical Fish Breeding | Which Is The Easiest Fish To Care For?

Why Tropical Fish Breeding?

Tropical fish breeding is one of the best hobbies to undertake. The sight of these colorful creatures lazily swimming to and fro in the aquarium is very relaxing and is the best cure to a stressful day at work. Believe me, once you sit in front of a fish tank observing these creatures chase each other about and play, time just passes by and so does all your worries. All this make tropical fish breeding just worth the while.

But if you’re thinking of tropical fish breeding and have never done it before, you might be wondering how hard tropical fsih breeding can be. After all, just scanning the internet and reading the millions of posts out there about …show more content…

There are the orange ones that have black fins and a black spot on their sides. There is also the the silver ones that have black tip fins with two horizontal stripes across them. But the ones I love are the neon tetra which have a bluish or reddish stripe across their sides that seem to glow especially with the aquarium lights on. Tetras get along with any fish and if you have a school or them it is so cool to watch them swim in sync with each other. They never grow more than an inch long at most and make nice small fish to start off with. It’s hard to tell the male from the female so just grab some and hope for the …show more content…

The males and females look the same so they too are hard to tell apart. Danios are passive fish that will never bother other fish and they are very playful, chasing each other and zipping across the tank like they were playing tag.

There is also another variation of Danios with spots instead of stripes which is fondly known as Leopard Danios. It really doesn’t matter if you mix the two cos they get along well with each

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