You Are Unique And Have Unique Talent Essay

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You ARE Unique and Have Special Talents! Most people are their own worst critic, unfortunately. We have an inner dialogue with ourselves that is continually judging, criticizing, comparing, and putting down anything that you do. Sometimes we are aware of this but mostly the dialogue is running on autopilot. Often it's the only voice we hear with us so we think it's perfectly normal. Between when we are born up to the age of 6 or 7, we are a totally blank slate and are like a recording machine, absorbing what we hear and see from our environment. After that age, we start to have our own opinions and begin our own conscious thinking...but the foundation of how we react to situations has already been set. This becomes our belief system or programming …show more content…

When you start to identify your talents, be aware of the inner critic and tame that voice down. You deserve to understand really why you are here and what you are meant to contribute. Discovering your unique talents is a part of that process. These talents are things that you do so well and naturally, that you may not even be fully aware of them yourself. It's just a part of who you are. And it is very likely you've been doing these things since your childhood. There are a several ways to really figure out your uniqueness and I'll cover a few ways here. The first way is to think about your life and what have you loved to do. What comes naturally to you that you really enjoy doing? It's easy and you feel good whenever you are engaged in these activities. When have you felt that things have gone really well in your life and what were you doing at that time? What have been the best moments in your life and why? Start a list of all the activities, events, or situations where you have felt really good about what you were

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