
Essay On Why The North Won The Civil War

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Why the North Won the Civil War The American Civil War began on April 12, 1861. First battle no casualties until there was a gun explosion during the surrender that caused two deaths, through that incident, the Civil War began. According to Civil War Trust Approximately 620,000 soldiers died from combat, accident, starvation, and disease during the Civil War . The war ended on May 9,1865, which was a little more than 4 years after it had begun. Why the North won could be summed up to several different things, good strategy, transportation, population, etc… but probably the best thing that went into the Norths favor is their industrial economy. Through good industry of factories, and …show more content…

Another benefit that the North had for being a more commercial and manufacturing economy is that they were also able to produce more firearms for their solders, they were able to produce 3,200 guns for every hundred created by the South. This would have naturally leave the South …show more content…

But there greatest strange would have been the fact that they were fighting on southern territory, they were the defenders, they knew the layout of the land, and they had an advantage that the coastline was longer, making it harder to travel and capture. Another observation has come about is the fact that it seemed that the South had in fact, better leaders, such as Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson who were both some of the best officers before the war. The outcome of the war could have been different, questions like, what if all the slave states joined the confederacy? or what if another country decided to aid the South? Although, due to Europe not recognizing the confederacy as a country, that was not likely to happen. Another thing that went against the South was food for the solders, they could grow as much as they need, but without proper transportations such as the railroad they would have a hard time delivering it to the solders. There were many things that could have happened to change the outcome in the favor of the South. But has fate would have it, it was the North who

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