
Examples Of Micro Sociology

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By definition sociology is the study of interaction and social organization. The main dissimilarity between micro-sociology and macro-sociology is that macro is the study of sociology on a big or large scale; on the other hand micro deals with day to day interactions. Macro-sociology covers a big-scale social process of institutions, organizations, and social life over a long period of time. Micro-sociology studies the behavior of people i.e. in terms of what they say, think and do in their daily lives. Micro-level theories involve social phenomenology, symbolic interactionism, and exchange theory (Goodman and Ritzer, 2004). The scholars further stated that theories are just sets of inter-related ideas and concepts scientifically combined and …show more content…

An example is parents and children relationship. On the other hand macro-level focuses on social processes, problems, and social structure. Both macro and micro-level theories can take the form of three perspectives that include: normative, interpretive perspective, and conflict. Interpretive perspective sees social world as an ongoing manner, via social interaction and describe how we relate to each other while on daily activities. Conflict perspective deals with some micro and macro levels (Bilton, Bonnett and Jones, 2002).

According to Babbie (2003), a micro level perspectives study processes in society and small scale structures. The scholar further explains that events and objects have no meaning in themselves. But, get their meaning through daily dealings. For example gray hair gives a sign of wisdom in an individual. Macro level theories involve age stratification theory which focuses upon flow of age cohorts through the life cycle.
In conclusion I agree that "Sociological theories are the core and underlying strength of the discipline.” In normative perspective, status and rules exist in a community to provide social order or social control and social order is important for survival. These provide an individual with necessary understanding of how to see the larger social picture in one's own personal …show more content…

by Dennis Ejeh Glenn - Saturday, 11 April 2015, 4:03 AM

Hi Ken! In your conclusion, you stated that: "In normative perspective, status and rules exist in a community to provide social order or social control and social order is important for survival."

In essence, are you saying that 'rules that exist in a community' are sociological theories? Please explain further, I am not clarified here ONLY, otherwise you did a great job! CHEERS!!!
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Picture of Antonella Bernobich
Re: Discussion Questions Unit 1. by Antonella Bernobich - Saturday, 11 April 2015, 6:16 AM

Scientific theories are the foundations of any scientific discipline. They provide a framework for formulating new hypotheses, and they can be confirmed or falsified by empirical data collected in the subsequent research. The social sciences haven't historically been considered scientific, because it was perceived that they lacked the “hard data” typical of scientific disciplines. For example, in classical mechanics, F=ma is a formula that tells us that the net force acting on a body is given by the mass of the body times its acceleration. That constitutes a very precise statement, and when we plug the numbers into the formula, we get a precise result, that is expressed in specific units, in our case

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