
Freeman Hrabowski Summary

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Freeman Hrabowski talks about how to improve the shortcomings of university attendees, especially those who are minorities and majored in science and engineering. According to him, we must first set high expectations which will drive students. It is all about having a thorough understanding, and not just enough to barely make it through. He states that secondly, a community has to be built among students by working in groups in order to support, understand and trust one another, as well as helping each other succeed. Hrabowski then explains how it takes researchers to produce researchers meaning, we have to expose the upcoming generations to the many exciting fields available to keep the fields and their enthusiasm alive. Lastly, there needs to be a connection between faculty and their students. Hrabowski emphasizes the importance of professors knowing their students to understand their progress and standings within the class. It is essential for faculty to put in the extra effort needed to help their students succeed. Hrabowski concludes his …show more content…

The purpose of education is to help learners succeed in life. The way we learn, along with a number of other factors, is constantly changing. Today’s students need to be more involved which means modifying course curriculums within the education system to accommodate these needs. Disruption is anything that does not follow the traditional standards. Incorporating interaction within lessons could be labelled as “disruptive,” since that is not how learning was always sought out to be. I personally relate to this post as I am a minority, being both African American and a female, as well as a science major. Although Hrabowski emphasized the ways professors and those higher up in the education system can shape college successes, I know that it requires equal effort from us students as well. After all, my education and success lies within my

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