Gadge Baba Essay

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possession he used to carry with him. That is why people called him Gadge Baba.In this way, Debuji became Gadge Baba. Gadge Baba’s routine was very different from the common men. When he entered a village, he would instantly start sweeping the streets of the village. He used to pick up thorns and stones, and patch up the pits on the roads for the convenience of the people. He loved to help the poor and the needy. He urged the rich people to help the poorand the penniless,who desperately needed money for their survival. That was his way of manifestation of Bhakti to God. He used to sweep the streets, clean the gutters and dispose of the garbage thrown by the people. By cleaning the streets during the day, Gadge Baba used to clean the dirt in the minds of the people through Kirtan in the evening.After the Kirtana was over, he would beg for food in that village in the words “Wadhan waadh wa Maay”. The begging voice of Gadge Baba and voice in Kirtanas still linger in the minds of the people.Gadge Baba built Ghats in many villages. He built Dharmashalas also. But he never allowed his family members or his companions to stay and take food in that Dharmashalas. He told them to do hardwork, do parmarth. He …show more content…

How would Gadge Baba be spared by them? He was tortured with scorching words. However, he continued his mission ceaselessly. As Wasudeo Maharaj says, Gadge Baba followed Brahmacharya before his marriage; when entered into Gruhasthashrama, he became debt-free. And during his Wanprasthashramhe spent his life in the service of the people. This made him complete his work of religion(Dharmakarya). He begged not only for himself but for the poor also. He used to sharethe begged food with the hungry people. Like snobbish and so-called Maharajas, he never deceived the simple and illiterate people withwordsand took anything readymade from them. On the contrary, he strove for them to uplift them for better

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