Advantages Of Group Working At The UPS Store

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ANSWER 1 A technology mediated environment allows people to work together by allowing them to communicate and learn through computer mediated technologies and using this has advantages and at the same time also has challenges. The first advantage is the fact that it allows asynchronous communication between two or more people. This means that a customer of the UPS Store can leave a message or a complaint to one of the sales representatives at any time of the day. This will allow the UPS store to improve its customer care and thus increase sales by encouraging their employees to respond promptly to customers. Another advantage is that it will be easy to track whether the package has reached its destination and if not, it will help by locating …show more content…

For a group work to be successful, it is very important to concentrate on three main ideas which are to manage the task or the goal that is being sought, manage the process through which the goal will be achieved and very importantly effective communication between group members (Navickiené, V, & Pevcevičiūtė, S 2009). There are various techniques for group work, but the main idea revolves around brain storming – gathering of ideas; clustering ideas – grouping of different ideas according to different themes; buzz groups – provides a change of activity and pace to break the monotony and allow further thought processes; snow balling – refines thinking and develops ideas further; round robins – gives everyone an equal chance to contribute irrespective of their status and giving presentations – allows to communicate the group’s views or findings (Tyler, S …show more content…

This improves the internal communication of an organization which adds to the motivation of the employees and is a key factor in an organization’s success. “Peers see more, understand more and support more” stated another employee. Peer relationships offer information sharing grounds, career strategizing opportunities, feedback on the job performed, emotional support, personal feedback, mutuality, friendship etc. The information sharing grounds act as a learning surrounding for the employees. Most managers use these peer groups to make employees accept new changes that they otherwise would refuse. Moreover, employees are sent for training workshops along with peer group to allow group discussions and an enjoyable training session which gives way to make most out of the training period. An employee expressed “Peers have a better insight into our work and how we contribute. Since they are closer to the work we do, they understand the complexity of the tasks and appreciate more.” “My friends at work have become more of a natural support mechanism.” shared another employee. Hence it can be concluded that peer relationships play a vital role in a firm’s success and is an excellent strategy for learning at work.

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