
Hotel Rwanda Vs Night Analysis

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Hotel Rwanda vs. Night - SHAWN BELCHER

Topic Sentence | Statement | Reference | Compare/Contrast

Night by Elie Wiesel is a book about what Elie witnessed in the concentration camps during the holocaust in WWII and what he had to go through. The film, Hotel Rwanda, featured a similar story except it was about the Rwandan genocide. The reason why both Night and Hotel Rwanda seem similar because they both have ethnic groups that are being hunted down through means of genocide, there are people who are trying to protect the ethnic groups being hunted, and both of the situations that happen in these two stories challenge the morals of the characters.

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In both Night and Hotel Rwanda, both the Jews and the Tutsis were …show more content…

In Night. People in concentration camps tried to protect each other but struggled very hard to do so. Sometimes, they barely had a chance to begin with. For example, Elie witnessed someone kill himself because they already committed all he had left to taking care of a family member and was stuck. “A terrible thought crossed my mind: What if he had wanted to be rid of his father? He had felt his father growing weaker and, believing that the end was near, had thought by this separation to free himself of a burden that could diminish his own chance for survival.” - Elie Wiesel, Night. In Hotel Rwanda, Paul tried to bribe the Hutu soldiers into not killing his family and used the hotel that he owns to hide Tutsi people from Hutu soldiers. ”PAUL: "Here, here, a thousand US dollars - fifty thousand francs for my family. To let us drive off to the Mille Collines. CAPTAIN: "How many in your family?" PAUL: "Six." CAPTAIN: "Pull your family out."” - Keir Pearson & Terry George, Hotel Rwanda. People may have tried to protect the Jews and the Tutsis buy unlike Hotel Rwanda, the Jews were in concentration camp which made it harder to look out for other people when it’s even hard to look out for yourself whereas in Hotel Rwanda, one man was able to take care of an entire ethnic group of people, his family, and

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