
How Did Cleopatra Committed Suicide

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Cleopatra was born in 69 BCE and was one of the most influential and powerful women in Ancient Egypt . Her brother Ptolemy XIII was co-regent with her until he had her exiled. With the help of the Roman military, she was re-installed as queen and became the last ruler in Ancient Egypt. Cleopatra (c.69 BC - 30 BC) (n.d.) retrieved from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/cleopatra.shtml . Evidence suggests that Cleopatra committed suicide using a venomous snake however; this theory is controversial and has not been proven yet. (Ardizzoni.S) (26 SEPTEMBER 2014) THE DRAMATIC DEATH OF CLEOPATRA- WAS IT REALLY SUICIDE? RETRIEVED FROM: HTTP://WWW.ANCIENT-ORIGINS.NET/HISTORY-IMPORTANT-EVENTS/DRAMATIC-DEATH-CLEOPATRA-WAS-IT-REALLY-SUICIDE-002117 …show more content…

They were responsible for building new pyramids, monuments, temples, defending their country from invasion and for increasing the country’s wealth . Pharaoh: Lord of the two lands. (n.d) retrieved from http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/pharaoh/home.html. Citizens of Egypt had no choice but to respect their leaders, any citizen found to be disrespecting their leader would be tortured, killed or sent to jail for life . Pharaohs (2007) retrieved from

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