Ptolemaic dynasty Essays

  • Did You Know That Cleopatra VII Is Not Egyptian

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    the Great and was known for being the last pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Cleopatra was witty and charming. She was born in 69 BC in Alexandria, Egypt. She was very kind and was an amazing leader. To Begin, the Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled for more than 300 years after they came from Greece and took over Egypt. Cleopatra had two sisters and two brothers. She knew many languages and was most likely the first pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Dynasty to learn the native language of Egypt. She was the child of

  • Cleopatra Informative Speech

    454 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cleopatra was the last pharaoh to rule Egypt, she ruled Egypt for nearly 22 years. Cleopatra was born in 69BC and died in 30BC, Cleopatra was last of the Ptolemaic dynasty which was a Macedonian Greek family. She ruled Alexandria with her brother that she also married until he sent her away, Cleopatra’s brother killed one of Rome’s generals and Julius Caesar was not happy and he threatened to take possession of Egypt but instead he restored Cleopatra to the throne. Cleopatra commanded armies at the

  • Pros And Cons Of Cleopatra

    751 Words  | 4 Pages

    Determination, strong alliances, and keeping her family's dynasty alive were all the key components Cleopatra needed to restore Egypt. According to Grochowski “Cleopatra used any means necessary to complete her goals and protect the country she loved, known as Egypt” (Grochowski 1). Cleopatra acquired a bad reputation because of her background but she did many things to make Egypt her top priority. Although she was not fit to be the ruler of Egypt, Cleopatra did restore Egypt to former glory because

  • Second Temple Period

    2081 Words  | 9 Pages

    Introduction The purpose of this research paper is to provide the history of the Second Temple period, including major conflicts, specific dates, and names of rulers. This paper will also identify the various works commonly identified as Second Temple literature and demonstrate how the various features described constitute important background for the interpretation of the New Testament. It will also discuss the events of the Second Temple period through the NT and how the Second Temple Period

  • Biography Of Hist 1421-01 Greek And Roman Civilization: Egyptian Queen Cleopatra

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    Letting Octavian unite the citizens and Senate on his side against Antony was a big mistake. If she convinced Antony to win the loyalty of the Romans and get rid of the threat of Octavian, she could avoid the Roman conquest of Egypt and the end of the Ptolemaic

  • Cleopatra Research Paper

    443 Words  | 2 Pages

    old Cleopatra, along with her 10 year old brother, was left to rule over Egypt. Born in 69 BC to the Macedonian Greek Ptolemy XII, Cleopatra was the second of the five children, three daughters followed by two sons. Cleopatra, a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, never put anything in her mouth that had not been tested for poison to ensure her forthcoming of the throne. She learned to read by chanting the Greek alphabet, once she passed pronunciation she then traced the letters on a wooden tablet. Egyptians

  • Cleopatra VII: An Independent Force In Mediterranean Politics

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    intelligence and political judgement, or is she? As last pharaoh of Egypt and ruler of Ptolemaic dynasty founded by Ptolemy I Soter in 305 BCE, she faced off against other powerful figures both inside and outside Egypt during her reign which began in 51 BCE. Cleopatra VII's reign as queen of Egypt marked a time of great change and uncertainty in the Mediterranean world. She presided over the decline of the Ptolemaic Empire, rise of Rome, and new balances of power within the region but we must find out

  • How Did Cleopatra Change Society

    1232 Words  | 5 Pages

    children with two of the most prominent Roman commanders of their day. Cleopatra was a descendant of a violent Greek family. She was raised around violence, and around that time it was seen as being honorable to fight. “She was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a family

  • How Did Cleopatra Committed Suicide

    442 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cleopatra was born in 69 BCE and was one of the most influential and powerful women in Ancient Egypt . Her brother Ptolemy XIII was co-regent with her until he had her exiled. With the help of the Roman military, she was re-installed as queen and became the last ruler in Ancient Egypt. Cleopatra (c.69 BC - 30 BC) (n.d.) retrieved from: . Evidence suggests that Cleopatra committed suicide using a venomous snake however; this theory is

  • Cleopatra As A Hero

    746 Words  | 3 Pages

    In 69 B.C. Cleopatra was born into a world of pandemonium and chaos. She was a very brave and intellectual woman. Cleopatra is a hero because she captivated many hearts and restored Egypt to its former glory. Witness how Cleopatra came to power and reigned over Egypt. A way that Cleopatra was a hero is because she restored Egypt to its former glory. Cleopatra was born in 69 B.C. At the age of 18 she became queen of Egypt, as her parents were before her. The next years prior to that, Egypt struggles

  • Cleopatra VII Theo Philopator

    734 Words  | 3 Pages

    C. 30 BCE, Cleopatra VII Theo Philopator died of suicide by snake. It is said the snake had bitten her in either the arm or the breast, but nobody knows for sure. Cleopatra was born around 69 BCE, her father King Ptolemy XII. Nobody really knows about her mother, some people believe it was Ptolemy XII’s sister, Cleopatra V Tryphaena. In 51 B.C. Ptolemy died and the throne was given to 18 year old Cleopatra and her 10 year old brother, Ptolemy XIII. It’s likely that both of them were married to

  • Compare And Contrast Egyptian And Greek Kingdomss

    883 Words  | 4 Pages

    After the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C., three kingdoms emerged from the empire: Antigonids in Macedonia, Seleucid in the Near East, and the Ptolemaic in Egypt. These three kingdoms marked the Hellenistic Age and the cosmopolitan culture that was different from the classical Greek traditions. The domestic trade routes between each respective regions were initially pushed by the kings in order to create a self-sufficient country instead of solely depending on international trade with other

  • Queen Nefertiti: The Most Powerful Queen In Egypt

    745 Words  | 3 Pages

    Queen Nefertiti is an Egyptian queen from 1353 to 1336 B.C, she is known as the most mysterious queen to reign in Egypt, she known as the most powerful queen, and was seen as an important part of Egypt. Queen Nefertiti reigned in the throne next to Pharaoh Akhenaten. She’s known for being the most powerful queen and for being the most beautiful woman in Egypt. Queen Nefertiti is known as the most mysterious queen to reign in Egypt. There are various theories many from where she is from to who

  • Why Is Cleopatra An Important Figure In History?

    721 Words  | 3 Pages

    leader in a time that was dominated by men. She is an important figure in world history because of her leadership and influence. Cleopatra VII would be known as the last Macedonian queen of Egypt. She was born in 69 B.C. and was a descendant of Ptolemaic kings, her father being Ptolemy XII (Roller, 15). When her father died, he left the kingdom to Cleopatra VII and her younger brother Ptolemy XIII. Cleopatra was eighteen years old and had to marry her brother and co-ruler because of Egyptian law

  • Cleopatra Strengths

    827 Words  | 4 Pages

    Cleopatra: The Most Powerful Woman in the Ancient World Cleopatra VII was one of the most powerful women in history whose reign brought Egypt nearly twenty-two years of stability and prosperity. Throughout history much of her success has been discredited and she has instead been depicted as a seductress who used copulation to obtain power. Cleopatra was crowned queen at the age of eighteen and essentially controlled the entire eastern Mediterranean coast. She inherited a kingdom in decline and had

  • Cleopatra's Power Struggle

    673 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction: Egyptian Queen Cleopatra is known as one of the most renowned figures in history. Her reign in Egypt was not only significant for its length and accomplishments but also for its relationship with the Roman Empire. However, despite her accomplishments, she met a tragic end, and the reason for her downfall is often attributed to her alliance with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. In this learning journal, we will explore the power struggle referred to in the statement from World History

  • How Did Cleopatra Influence The Roman Empire

    780 Words  | 4 Pages

    Cleopatra showed a keen interest in Egyptian culture (History, 2021). Cleopatra and Ptolemy were supposed to get married and govern jointly, but Cleopatra quickly started to dominate her younger brother more, which led to conflict between the two. The dynasty experienced bloodshed due to the two heirs' issues. Cleopatra's advisors betrayed her soon after she ascended to the throne, forcing her to leave Egypt. Cleopatra gathered an army while living in exile in Syria and left for Egypt's frontiers to

  • Why Is Cleopatra A Hero

    747 Words  | 3 Pages

    In 69 B.C. Cleopatra was born into a world of pandemonium and chaos. She was a very brave and intellectual woman. Cleopatra is a hero because she captivated many hearts and restored Egypt to its former glory. Witness how Cleopatra came to power and reigned over Egypt. A way that Cleopatra was a hero is because she restored Egypt to its former glory. Cleopatra was born in 69 B.C. At the age of 18 she became queen of Egypt, as her parents were before her. The next years prior to that, Egypt struggles

  • Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator: A Chronological Status

    910 Words  | 4 Pages

    10462 Brief Introduction Full name: Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator Location: Alexandria, Egypt Birth/death dates: 69-30 B.C. Cleopatra: A Chronological Record 51-50 B.C. At the age of only eighteen, young Cleopatra began her reign as Queen of the Nile. Her father, Ptolemy VII, had just passed away, and she had a legacy to uphold. Her blood was royal, and about one hundred generations of her family had ruled before she was even born. But for the blood to remain pure, incest was practiced. She

  • Cleopatra VII: Daughter Of The Nile By Kristina Gregory

    425 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cleopatra VII: Daughter Of The Nile is a work of historical fiction written by Kristina Gregory. Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, daughter of King Ptolemy XII, is a 12 year-old girl who is third in line for the throne in Alexandria, Egypt. She worries about her sister Tryphaena, trying to kill her. She also worries about her father's relationship with the Romans. But besides being worried about her father's and her safety, she is a careful, confident, and responsible for her age, which leads her