
How Did The Montgomery Bus Boycott Impact The Civil Rights Movement

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The Montgomery Bus Boycott was not the first attempt to give African Americans equality, in fact there were a couple attempts to end segregation that were not so successful. Segregation in the early to mid 19th century was a "cultural norm" for African Americans. The Jim Crow laws were put into place in certain states that primarily served to downgrade or belittle African Americans. The Jim Crow laws showed just how segregated the United States was but primarily the southern states. The Jim Crow laws put into act segregated schools, train cars, water fountains, bus seating, restaurants, business, restrooms etc. Montgomery, Alabama happened to be one of the main cities where the Jim Crow laws were heavily enforced, which was one of the main reason the Montgomery Bus Boycott was put into action. (Ferris.edu) …show more content…

The Supreme Court came to the conclusion that segregated seating on the bus systems was unconstitutional according to the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment states that if you are a born citizen of the United States that you have to be given full citizenship regardless of race. The 14th Amendment also does not allow states to oppose someone of equal opportunity. The 14th Amendment greatly impacted the way the Civil Rights movement progressed and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. African Americans faced a deal of hardships not only during the Montgomery Bus Boycott but the whole time the Jim Crow laws were in motion. Throughout the boycott, African Americans were especially faced with many challenges that they were able to overcome in a peaceful manor. They faced things such as violence of whites lashing out, harassment, and they even overcame the bombing of Martin Luther King Jr's house. Once the Supreme Court ruling was put into place is when the MIA and Martin Luther King Jr decided to officially stop the boycott because they felt their demands had been met. (Swarmorth.edu)

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