
How Did Woodrow Wilson Impact On American Society

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Thomas Woodrow Wilson, born to Jessie Janet Woodrow and Joseph Ruggles Wilson on December 28, 1856 in Staunton, Virginia, was a huge influence to American society and led American through World War I. Growing up in the South for many years of his youth, he was often exposed to the side-effects of the Civil War. In his young ages, he eared many degrees before setting out to a journey on a career in university. While rising politically, he became governor of New Jersey for two years before become President of the United States for two terms in 1912. While President, he guided America through World War I, arranged the Versailles Treaty and put together the League of Nations. While in his last year of Presidency, he suffered a stroke for the second …show more content…

He spoke more broadly about his ideas and less about how that specific thought would be achieved (history). The effects of the fourteen points would be lasting. In an indirect way, these said points would eventually help shape “the new world” which led to WWII (angelfire). Although the fourteen points were ideally supposed to be a way of peace throughout other countries, they were shut down by the European political leaders who were looking for the destruction of Germany (angelfire). Wilson’s dreams quickly ended when the Versailles treaty was signed destroying majority of the fourteen points (angelfire). Although a few points such as League of Nations were left into the treaty, it did not mean much as the League was not very useful because the leaders of Europe wanted to keep their absolute power (angelfire). Concluding all of effort of President Wilson, sadly they came up short and he was never able to achieve exactly what he wanted with these fourteen …show more content…

This form of rhetoric influences the reader from an emotional standpoint. Although this form of rhetoric is not as specific, it still is consistent throughout the whole speech. Wilson makes a connection between the emotional pain that the citizens had with the war to influence them to pass the Fourteen Points. Many times, during the speech, he gives the members of Congress the feeling that it was their duty to act and use these points as a guideline. He plays to the emotions of the congress and makes it their responsibility to do the right thing. When the speech states “We do not wish to fight her either with arms or with hostile arrangements of trade”, this shows how Wilson tries to turn away from war with his Fourteen Points and by using this type of rhetoric, the congress not only agrees with Wilson because his statements are logical, but also because it appeals to their

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