
How Is Fahrenheit 451 Still Relevant Today

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Media is evil in both our society and in Fahrenheit 451. If something happened and it is put on the news it's often tweaked to make a story. In the news hey make some things more dramatic to make you want to listen and stay tuned. They usually just twist and pull at the truth, but sometimes they full on lie. In Fahrenheit 451 the media exaggerates. They lie and make little things a big deal. Although normally they don't care about death. If they really want someone dead or behind bars they make it happen with the lies on the news. Media should show both sides of the story, they should tell you what really happened. Not their version. It's to bad it doesn't really work like that. The news and social media don't tell …show more content…

It is also about rebellion and how people hide and keep them anyway even with the risk of having there house burned. Some people will even die for there books. Like how the old lady struck a match and burned herself with her books after they pumped kerosene every were. In our society media has not quit eliminated books but they have changed it a lot. Now you don't see very many people at the library's. Now we have tablet kindles that have books on them. We can read on our phones. Although all of this is possible you still don't find teens or people reading very much anymore tv and apps have taken out the use of news papers. It's similar media problem in Fahrenheit 451, the parlor walls replace the need of a book for internment, talking on the phone it's just more common to do anything but …show more content…

Although media has said bad things about them for years. So a lot of people don't care or say/ do anything about it. Other kids don't even know what they are missing out on. They have never had the pleasure of reading a book. Books can show you a different reality they give you an imagination with out that kids arnt really kids. It kinda similar in our world with our freedoms they limit kids on what we get to do and kids just go with it or lie, we have never tried to do anything about it. Some people say the media is good it helps get our opinions out there. It says that it has a good influence and keeps us updated on things. I personally don't think that's true. Even if we post something we really think is true that we want to stand up for it doesn't matter because people just think of us as kids our say doesn't matter. If half of the things you see on the news isn't true why would you believe something you see on social media none of that stuff keeps us updated very well. From an adult perspective 1 persons opinion is just someone's opinion. No one thinks much of anything you see or Hear something that happened on the news why does it matter, you can't do anything about its already

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