Tom And Huckleberry Finn Summary

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Book report Tyron Buisman 4L Victorian Literature Project DPI 1. Technicals: Author: Mark Twain Country: United States Genre: Bildungsroman, picaresque, satire, folk, children’s novel Publisher: American Publishing Company Publication date: 1876 Pages: 180 2. A summary. the story is about a boy called tom sawyer. He lives with his aunt in a town near the river Mississippi. He loves mischief, stories and adventures. He falls in love with Becky Thatcher tom met her at school. Becky likes tom too, but Tom says something wrong and Becky doesn’t want to speak to tom anymore. Tom and Huckleberry Finn go to a graveyard to remove a wart because they believe that that is a way to remove it. At the graveyard they are witness to a murder committed by Injun Joe. Tom and Huck agree to keep silent about it because they are afraid of Injun Joe and what would happen to them if they told what happened. Tom decide to become a pirate together with Huck and Joe Harper his friends. Their families are anxious and think that tom and his friends died. Then tom and his friends decide to go back to their families. then Tom and Becky go to a party but they get lost in the caves where they were …show more content…

A list and description of the main characters. Tom sawyer: Thomas "Tom" Sawyer is a playful and clever boy he is about twelve years old, he is the main character of the story. Huckleberry Finn is his best friend. Tom lives with his aunt, Aunt Polly. they live in St. Petersburg, Missouri. Tom loves to go on adventures and wants to become an pirate. He falls in love with Becky Thatcher a class mate of him. Tom has a big imagination and loves stories. Huckleberry Finn: Huck is Tom 's best friend. Huck’s father is a drunk so Huck has to care for himself. He doesn’t go to school and most adults don’t want their kids to play with him because of that, however the kids look at Huck with envy because of the freedom he has to do anything he wants. Huck likes stories and

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