
Imperialism In The Nineteenth Century Research Paper

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Imperialism and Colonialism in the Nineteenth Century

The term imperialism became widespread in mid-nineteenth century. Imperialism is the domination of one power over another in other parts of the world but it is most popularly used to describe European forces acquiring land and building colonies. These lands could be obtained through military or diplomatic methods and were useful in many ways to their ruling countries. This paper will discuss the scientific and political advantages that justified imperialism and colonialism in the nineteenth century. One important motive of imperialism was its positive economic impact. Powers that took hand in imperialism and colonialism had a desire for more land and resources. The ruling countries could obtain land and create overseas colonies that “could serve as reliable sources of raw materials not available in Europe that came into demand because of industrialization” (Bentley et al, pg 749). In the nineteenth century, racism was also a popular justification for imperialism. Racist thinkers used physical characteristics to determine who were superior and this “seemed to teach …show more content…

Imperialists would argue that even if a colony would not benefit the ruling power economically, it was still strategic to own it for political and military reasons. Some colonies “occupied strategic sites… and others offered harbors or supply stations for commercial and naval ships.” (Bentley et al, pg 750). Because of this, imperial powers could have the upperhand in battles against other countries. Colonialism and imperialism was also a popular method used to diffuse social tension. In the end of the nineteenth century, European leaders organized colonial exhibitions in which people publicly “displayed their dress, music, and customs” as a strategy to gain support for imperialism (Bentley et al, pg 750). These strategies were used in attempt to please the members of

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