Essay On Good Posture

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Correct posture is the most important and the most neglected term in today’s life. It is a very important factor for a good health along with the right diet, right exercising, and good sleep. However, many of us avoid it, and completely ignore its effects on our health. This post discusses why good posture is important for our health. What does a good posture mean? Your spine is naturally curved, and forms an S-shape. When viewed from the side, the cervical and lumbar spines have a lordotic, or a slight inward curve, and the thoracic spine has a kyphotic, or gentle outward curve. These spinal curves work like a coiled spring to absorb shock, maintain balance, and to facilitate the full range of motion throughout the spinal column. Good posture …show more content…

Those who slouched while they were walking experienced depression and decreased energy levels compared to those who were skipping. 5. Digestive Impairment: Slouching constricts your internal organs including your stomach and intestines. This slows down digestion and causes a host of issues. Bad posture can also increase the belly fat as the viscera gets protruded due to pushing against an abdominal wall. 6. Varicose Veins: When you sit all day with poor posture, you are preventing your body from getting the necessary circulation it needs. This can actually lead to the formation of varicose (spider) veins. This is particularly common in women and those who sit unsupported for longer durations. How to correct your posture? 1. Correction of standing posture • Equal weight on each foot • Angle of sternum in line with pubic bone • Lift chest up (line pulling up at 30 degrees from sternum to the ceiling) • Lift top of head towards ceiling; chin parallel to the ground • Eye level should be straight • Shoulders should be relaxed • Keep breathing 2. Correction of Sitting Posture • Sit straight to maintain curve in the low back • Always sit with your buttock against the back of the

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