Importance Of Morale In School

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Morale has been thought of variously as a feeling, a state of mind, mental attitude and an emotional attitude (Mendel 1987). Teachers’ Morale is the feeling of a teacher about his/her job and how he/she perceives himself/herself with their needs and the goals of the institution. Bentley and Rempel (1980), defines morale as the professional interest and enthusiasm that an individual displays towards his achievement and the group goals. Morale is the interaction between individual needs and the organizational goals. Teacher morale is a combination of many teacher attributes that will lead to his/her confidence, determination, satisfaction and enthusiasm as a teacher. Evans (1997 &1995) says ‘One of the most fundamental concepts to improve a school is by improving teacher motivation, which can be largely affected by feelings about the school or the environment provided at the school. These feelings can be named as morale, which can greatly affect teacher’s motivation and achievement of students’. Every child deserves an excellent education, and an excellent education in school begins with a quality teacher in every classroom. Teachers’ morale is given such an importance because only a passionate and a skilled instructor can influence children. In …show more content…

The morale of teachers could suffer due to the constant stress of trying to meet educational goals. Change in leadership and policies of education could affect their morale. They need to be motivated and supported in order to be productive. The head of the institution is responsible for improving teachers’ morale. Supporting teachers, involving them in decision-making, acknowledging their expertise helps in increasing morale of teachers. Thus, teachers’ morale serves as an important component in promoting the teaching-learning environment in the

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