Essay About Internet Of Things

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1.iot: The Internet of Things (IoT) is a widely used technology in all applications. It is a method in which objects or devices are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction and take necessary actions based on the data received.

1.1 INTRODUCTION: The Concept of Internet of Things is based on the concept of communication between devices without human interactions. This is done by the recent technologies like zigbee, Bluetooth, wifi etc. and we are implementing it on internet. This can also be used by wired networks also like serial port, optical fibers etc. internet of things communicates between the devices by experiencing some interruptions in between. This concept works on the basis of environmental changes. The loads which are needed to be accessed by the concept are set threshold initially. When there is an abrupt change in the environment it causes the threshold to vary. On sensing the change the corresponding devices start to work. This explanation some what gives you a basic idea about internet of things. We have implemented this concept in home automation technology, which is worthwhile using at home. Keeping control of things …show more content…

For individuals this new idea can come in plenty of forms including health, for security, for finances, and also for every day planning. The integration of IoT in to the health care technique could show to be amazingly beneficial for both an individual and a society. A chip could be implemented in to each patient, thus helping hospitals to monitor the vital body signs of the patient. By tracking their vital body signs, one can find whether or not serious assessment is necessary. Hospitals already struggle to assess and take care of the patients that they

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