
Pros And Cons Of Homework Helpful

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Is Homework Helpful or Harmful? Is Homework Helpful or Harmful? This is the question that many parents and students ask themselves every day. Many students complain about the amount of homework that are given to them. As many children as eleven year old Stevie Naeyaert in the research done by Alexa Stevenson,children suggest they don’t have enough socialization time.Have you ever been frustrated with homework,and not having enough socialization time? Many students believe too much homework blocks their social life.The topic of this essay is, Is Homework Helpful or Harmful? Homework is helpful it decreases fights with parents,Also homework increases mental ability in classrooms.Children not doing homework affects themselves,one reason is if …show more content…

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, for example, 3“A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether,” stated by Roy H. Williams. There are lots of children who don't do their homework because their don't know the material taught. Scientists and doctors ran test to over 1,000 students throughout the US. Most results came out that students are very apathetic so they don't do the work. But let a professional tell you the truth behind students laziness through homework and assignments. Amelia Earhart from the National Academy of Pediatrics states, “The most effective way to do it,is to do it.” Although many would say, that to have success you can't make mistakes, that everything has to be perfect. But that statement is false because Professionals from the National Academy of Pediatrics did two tests on two groups of children to see which group was more successful. The group that failed the test learned from their mistakes, corrected the test and got an A or a B. But the students that didn't make a mistake on the test failed other tests because it turns out students did not know the material. The students copied off other students and all students who copied ended up failing the test. This information was investigated by Richmond from the Richmond Professional Lab and the National Academy of …show more content…

The Harvard Graduate School of Education states in 2001 the university reviewed research on parental involvement in children’s homework, and about 72% of parents are involved in the children's education and homework.8”In difficult times, it's so hard to look around and to see what to be grateful for.” Said, Alice Barrett. Joan M. T. Walker, and Kathleen V. Hoover-Dempsey issued two types of test to two different groups of parent to see which group was more successful and involved in the student’s education. The first group was monitored through the 1 month period of time to see if parents would set up a schedule and monitor children's lifestyle. While the second group had the same test except the second group had responsible parents who took the time to set up schedules and rules for homework. Although on the other hand, group one was not very successful, the parents did not do any schedules nor rules. And that resulted in children's laziness and students having a very small amount of motivation to end off the school year strong. But some parents are very organized and involved in the student's education career, that type of attitude results in children doing great in school, and turning in homework on time.9”Difficult times require difficult decisions. But supporting this bill shouldn't be a

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