
Review Of James Shrek's Why Unions Membership Is Declining

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An effective labor union would benefit all workers however; the laws must be reformed to preserve its purpose. Labor statics show that in 2015, only 11.1% of the labor workforce was unionized (Statistics). Why? James Shrek, author of “Why Unions Membership is Declining” (2013), suggest union laws are outdated. Union legislation must be reformed to meet today’s workforce demands. Shrek believes members want pay raises and promotions based on job performance (Shrek). The reality is union members do in fact want more! They want to be noticed by their performance and longevity not seniority! Union members do believe in collective bargaining however, given the opportunity to upgrade they will change sides. The sole purpose of unionization is for …show more content…

They also feel unions are crippling our economy and forcing jobs overseas. Collective bargaining also makes it difficult to terminate employees for subordinate behavior. Not to mention, union strikes impact the communities they serve and jeopardize the economy. These are all troubling fact about unions however, without them employees face unfair treatment, lower wages and employment at will termination. Consequently, employers will gain the upper hand! They will continue to deter workers from exercising their rights by finding illegal tactics to keep them from organizing. American works must act now! They must get the younger generation involved; their future is imperative for union survival. Members can improve their culture by sharing their concerns with union organizers. Members must realize their union dues gives them a voice within and if they threatened to withdraw their funding organizers will listen. The solution is to reform labor laws to meet the workforce demands. They must support passing the WAGE …show more content…

Penalties like triple back pay, strong civil penalties and preliminary reinstatement” (Quinnell). The Act will reform the old legislation laws and change how workers organize and structure collective bargaining agreements. Workers will have the opportunity to freely discuss workplace improvements, wage increases and equality. The Act will penalize employers up to $50,000 in fines if they illegally try to stop worker’s from organizing. Employers are responsible to explain employee rights or be fined

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