Jeffrey Dahmer Case

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Steven Hicks was a 19 year old last seen hitchhiking to a rock concert in Chippewa Lake Park when he was brutally murdered. The suspect was later found that he brought Hicks to his home, where he got him drunk, and upon Hicks trying to escape was when he was hit among the head with a ten pound dumbbell. Further investigation found that Hicks’ body was dismembered, having his bones crushed by a sledgehammer and scattered outside the house; also he left the flesh to be found by police underneath the house three years after the murder. This suspect would be later revealed as Jeffrey Dahmer. Jeffrey Dahmer was an American serial killer who committed rape, murder, torture, and the dismemberment of 17 innocent boys between 1978 and 1991. In order to understand the profile of Jeffrey Dahmer, examining his life, victims and methods would present the idea of his sanity.
Jeffrey Dahmer was born born May 21, 1960 to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dahmer was a normal innocent boy up until the age of four, when he had a double hernia surgery which would show noticeable changes in his …show more content…

Tuomi was met and lured by Jeffrey Dahmer at a nightclub. At the nightclub, Jeffrey Dahmer told Steven he had a room at the Ambassador Hotel, Tuomi willingly agreed, where he was offered a drink. Unaware of the multiple sleeping pills grounded up in the drink, Tuomi was then brutally murdered, where he even had his heart attempted to be removed. When Dahmer was eventually captured, and questioned on his victims, he would go and say he had no recollection of Steven. No remains would ever be found of Steven, but Dahmer said he had stuffed the corpse in a suitcase and took a taxi to his grandmother home, where he would do further dismemberment. Because of the lack of evidence, Dahmer was not charged for Tuomi’s murder, but because of an alleged struggle due to marks on Dahmer's body, it hinted it

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