
John Adams Dbq Essay

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While John Adams was president he was faced with a problem, American ships were getting taken and the sailors were not safe. Earlier the Americans had a problem where the British would not leave the Ohio River Valley, because of this problem the American’s chief justice was sent to Britain to propose a peace treaty, the Jay treaty. This treaty proved successful and in this treaty Britain pulled their troops from the Ohio Valley. The French considered this to be an act of betrayal and attacked the Americans. To end these attacks, three representatives were sent from America to France. These men were told they would only be able to negotiate peace if the French foreign minister received a large sum of money, they did not follow through with …show more content…

During the war between France and Britain many American ships were being seized, to protect the sips and people on them, Madison proposed a deal, if a side agreed to stop seizing ships than the U.S. will stop trading with the other side. France quickly agreed while England continued so Madison was forced to consider something that would defy Washington’s policy to keep the U.S. isolated, he considered war. Although some people opposed the idea of war some thought it would be a good idea to get revenge on the British for causing trouble with Indians. These Indians, united under one nation and led by the chief Tecumseh and his brother, fought an American militia using British guns. They also thought that it would drive the British out of Canada and Canada would be added to the United States. These people, so eager for war were called War Hawks, they became overjoyed when the war of 1812 was declared. This war held joy and sadness, once a lawyer named Francis Scott Key had to watch as the fort which guarded his cities harbor was burned down by the British but when he saw the U.S. flag still waving high he wrote the song, “The Star-Spangled Banner”, which is still sung. Another great battle was The Battle of New Orleans, led by Andrew Jackson, which was the greatest American victory of the war. The results of the war were a cause for joy to many of its supporters and was considered, “the second war of

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