
John Wooden Essay

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John Wooden inspired others off and on the court, he taught people the basic necessities of how to live with the right choice in mind. His places of words are presented in the coaching world today: teacher, mentor, and guide because his ways of teaching were extraordinary. John Wooden legacy was the creation of the “Pyramid of Success” giving others a guide towards life, and allowing his basketball achievements as an aid of his creation. John Wooden was called the “Wizard of Westwood” for one of his greatest in accomplishments as a basketball player and coach. “Wooden was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame again in 1973 for his remarkable coaching accomplishments, making him the first person to be honored as a player and coach”- UCLA …show more content…

“While you can’t control what happened to you, you can control how you can react”-From Business to community, a man named Gary Vaynerchuck when people leave a negative review on his book called “Crush it and the Thank You economy” on amazon instead of ignoring it or responding a negative comment back he resorts to the right choice and ask the reviewer to talk more about their experience, this shows a great demonstration of how to control how you react on stuff that hurt us or anger us. John Wooden quote and Gary Vaynerchuck is amazing because they way we react shows the time of person we choose to be, and sometimes reacting the wrong way shows us the type of person we oppose to become, and who we are gets us through since others judge what type of characteristic traits you present towards them and other people which is what John Wooden wants to prepare us for. What John Wooden had was his ability to take a complicated issue, distill it, so that make little things become big things that happens, for instance he imparted each of his former players life lessons far more enduring than any plays and shots, he taught his players a way of life—his way of

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