Personal Narrative-My Basket Of Language Fruit

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My Basket of Language Fruits

Language is just like a basket filled with different types of fruits. Each fruit is a different language, introduced to me by different people I have encountered in my life. Life a race, to see who will carry the most fruits when we reach the finishing line. At the starting line, I was given only one fruit. GO! The race has started. Hurriedly I started running, eager to reach the goal, but tripped on my first step. I lost my only fruit, and started crying so loud that everyone came gathering around me to see me. When I open my eyes, I saw the most wonderful people; I was born. I was born on October 25th, 2002, in Shanghai, China. When I opened my eyes, I saw my mother and father. They were speaking Mandarin and Shanghainese to me, but I did not know what they were saying. They named me Shi Jia Yue, meaning I was a ‘precious treasure’ to my parents. As they made up my name, I received my first two fruits: Mandarin and Shanghainese. I put the fruits into my basket, and ever since, have started carrying it around with me wherever I go.

The two fruits I had were not the most special ones, but it became my most used fruits. I slowly started to learn how to speak Chinese and Shanghainese …show more content…

I obtained a huge fruit compared to the other ones I had in my basket, it was English. My parents gave me an english name: Yolanda, by using the first alphabet of the last character of my Chinese name to make up this name, wanting me to have a strong will and to be like a violet flower. I started learning English at a tuition centre, as my first school in Hong Kong did not require us to speak English as a main language. My English fruit seldomly glowed when I learnt a few new words, otherwise it was dark and dull. It never really shone, not until I came to Singapore International School in Primary

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