
Leaving The Treaties According To Hamilton In 1793

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Hamilton in 1793. Jefferson saw that upholding the treaties with France as an act of honor and diplomatic neutrality. At this point in history, the United Sates had very little room to break treaties or make political enemies. Jefferson and others believed that retracing from the treaties would only be seen as an act of favoritism towards the British. Jefferson also stated that “ to make it void would require an act of election, but to let it go on requires only that we should do nothing, and doing nothing can hardly be an infraction of peace or neutrality” (64). Leaving the treaties as they were would make the United Sated a reliable ally in the future and the US had to do very little to uphold their treaties with France. Jefferson and the French knew that the United States was not in an economic position to support France financially or military. …show more content…

Hamilton however disagreed with Jefferson’s position of keeping the treaties with France. Hamilton saw the British as a natural ally to the United States and wanted the United States to align with Britain and cut treaties with France. France had established a new government during this time, which Hamilton used as his reasoning to pursue President Washington to void treaties with France. According to Hamilton, the United Sates would not have been dishonoring its treaties because the United Sates had made treaties with the previous French government only. As a result all treaties could have been voided because there was a new French government. Moving forward the Units Sated as any other country would has done, negotiated and created international polices based on rational and circumstantial reasoning rather than honor and natural

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