Literature In English Literature

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English language is a simple way of communication in the global sphere of life. English arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England (now Southeast Scotland). Following the influence of England, the United Kingdom, and Great Britain from the 17th to mid-20th centuries throughout the British Empire, it has been extensively spread around the world and is most widely spoken language in the world.
With language we communicate with other people and reach our experiences, feelings, desires, ideas and needs. Literature, in a way, may be said to be the by-product of language. Language is the source of literature. Without language, literature is not possible. Literature enhances the language into which it is created. However, Literature …show more content…

Second period was Middle English Literature (1100-1500). English language became less popular and as under the influence of new aristocracy, French became the official language. Hence, less literature was produced and most writings were in Latin or Anglo-Norman thus difficult to understand. Also romances were the most popular form of literature. Miracle (medieval plays based on the life of saints) and morality (the struggle between the powers of good and evil for the mastery of the soul of man) plays became popular. Main contributors in this period of literature were William Langland, John Gower and Geoffrey Chaucer (Father of English Poetry). Third period was Renaissance Period or Elizabethan Period (1500-1600). It is also known as age of Shakespeare. Renaissance means rebirth (rebirth of English). Also it was the period of revival of learning. Main contributors of this period were Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare and Ben Johnson. Fourth period was The Puritan Age or The Age of Milton (1600-1660). In this period, people started using English language as a medium of instruction. Also there was development towards …show more content…

Author’s purpose for writing short story is to entertain and enlighten the readers. Short stories give authors the liberty to convey a message or experiment with a theme without the burden of committing to a lengthier task. If purpose of reading “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant and learning of the tragedy that befell Madame Loisel was to sulk, he surely achieved it. Writers are the reporter of everyday issues, they capture moments in time. Most stories have what is well-known as the lesson or moral that the writer desires people to learn. Different figures of speech or literary devices are used by the writer to convey his/her meaning.
Poetry is another form of literature that uses rhythmic and aesthetic qualities of language. Poetry uses conventions and forms to suggest differential understanding to words, or to evoke emotional response. Devices such as rhythm, onomatopoeia , alliteration and assonance are sometimes used to obtain incantatory or musical effects. The use of symbolism, ambiguity, irony and other stylistic elements of poetic diction often leaves a poem open to multiple analysis. Similarly figures of speech such as simile , metaphor and metonymy create a quality between otherwise disparate

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