Luke's Tragic Figures: A Narrative Fiction

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Chapter Nineteen

Luke's eyes were fixed on the valley below. His stare was blank and somewhat casuistic. He had a throbbing pain in his right ankle that he was trying to ignore. He eased his head forward until it rested on both knees. The woman's face–the victim's face–was like it was set in concrete. The last look of horror. A ghastly snapshot of unreserved horror. Before death became her friend and deliverer.” No one heard what he said the first time, so he raised his head from off his knees and repeated, “Besser's Summit should be called Lunatic Fringe from what I saw today.” He laid back and peered up at the sky. “This place has a flavor for everyone. I always thought I would see this kind …show more content…

If you wanna call it a trail, you can. It's all rock up in that area. And when you get there you can see everything on all four sides of you. The killer picked the perfect spot because he knew the layout. He could easily see anyone that was coming for miles away.”

“So. Any ideas about where the head might be?”

“The rangers looked below. They said they did. I believe them. I believe her head could be on one of the many ledges and shelves that are on the side of the Dome. I don't think it made it the whole way down to the bottom. Unless the killer took the head with him. I highly doubt that.”

Luke thought for a second. “How's come the rangers didn't check the ledges and the side of the mountain?”

“Because they thought if it was there anywhere it would be safe I guess. You have to know these guys personally; they are a lazy lot....When we get there, you will see what I mean. I have seen some mountain goats bouncing around up there on the Dome, but only pro climbers have ever climbed it. It is not a popular climb because the lack of a breathtaking view, and hasn't been climbed for years.”

“Just how are we gonna check the ledges and

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