Military Security In Azerbaijan

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Policy of Military security in Azerbaijan
One of the main objectives and directions of national security policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan is to protect the population and territory of the country from external military intervention and threats, military security and the prevention of external pressure on the sovereign rights of state power. In order to ensure the country's national interests in the military sphere, the state develops its own military security policy. The goal, the main directions and principles of this policy in general is reflected in the concept of national security, and expanded and more uniform - military security concept and military doctrine of the country. The military policy of Azerbaijan is based on the principles …show more content…

It is known that each country, in accordance with its state of war, the geopolitical environment, national security strategy, creates its own military doctrine. Azerbaijan's military doctrine reflects the official position of the state on issues related to the timely identification and prevention of threats to military security, the creation of a rational defense and military security, the elimination of wars and armed conflicts in the region, which are involved or may be involved country, repelling any armed aggression with regard to the world's strategic military units and security agencies. The legal basis of the military doctrine of the Azerbaijan Republic consists of the Constitution, laws and other normative-legal acts of the National Security Concept, as well as international treaty supporter who advocates the country. The doctrine says that the increase in defense power of Azerbaijan, military construction and military policy is supposed to protect the national interests of the country, based on national resources and correspond to the norms of …show more content…

There are two systems to ensure the military security of the states located in the Caspian - Black Sea region and the South Caucasus, including in Azerbaijan. This is the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), led by Russia, created by the US and its European allies, the North Atlantic military alliance - NATO , as well as having an independent view on the security of the country, such as Iran. Due to a number of circumstances in the near future, Azerbaijan's accession to NATO is not realistic. On the other hand, the interests of Azerbaijan does not correspond to and joining the Collective Security Treaty Organization as part of their conditions and safeguards (or rather the lack of them). In such circumstances, one of the priorities of the country's foreign policy has become a problem to achieve in any other form of international protection from external influences and pressures, ensure their sovereign rights and military security, prevention of foreign military intervention. As in most countries of the modern world, the interests of the political and military security of Azerbaijan demand from the country's leadership for solving such urgent strategic tasks, such as establishing partnerships with existing international security systems, the conquest of new political and military allies, partners and friends,

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