
Mindfulness Meditation

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2. Aims and Objectives

2.1. Statement of the problem

A study to assess the effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction on bio-physiological and psychological variables among type 2 diabetics.

2.2. Aims

The aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction among individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in order to create awareness regarding mindfulness meditation and help them to apply it in routine activities to maintain blood glucose, blood pressure, body mass index and reduce stress and depression.

2.3. Objectives

1. To evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction on bio-physiological variables such as blood glucose, blood pressure and body mass index among …show more content…

There will be a significant change in stress, depression and mindfulness awareness among type 2 diabetics receiving mindfulness based stress reduction.

2.5. Conceptual framework

In the present study the conceptual framework is based on Katharine Kolcaba’s “Theory of comfort” (2003) consists of following concepts such as health care needs, comforting intervention, intervening variables, enhanced comfort, health seeking behavior and institutional integrity

2.5.1. Health care needs: The health care needs are nursing assessment of subjective and objective data of the individual and develop a plan of care based on their needs.

2.5.2. Comforting intervention: The comfort intervention is the individualized comfort measure provided by the nurse to meet the health care needs of the individual.

2.5.3. Intervening variables: The intervening variables are factors that are not likely to change.

2.5.4. Enhanced comfort: The enhanced comfort is an immediate desirable outcome of nursing care.

2.5.5. Health seeking behavior: Health seeking behavior is an activity to promote optimal wellness or peaceful death.

2.5.6. Institutional integrity: The institutional integrity is the development and implementation of best practices and best policies secondary to the positive outcomes experienced by the …show more content…

The nursing intervention is the information and practices provided for helping the type 2 diabetics to learn about mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques to control the blood glucose, blood pressure and reducing body mass index, stress, depression and increasing mindfulness awareness. Intervening variables include age, gender, marital status, religion, education, occupation, family type, dietary pattern, habits of addiction, co-morbid illness, use of antihypertensive/ anti-diabetes medication, attainment of stress management techniques and awareness of mindfulness meditation. If the MBSR intervention is effective, the type 2 diabetic receive enhanced comfort and is achieved by practicing mindfulness-based stress reduction technique. It reduces the negative effects of stress; depression associated with diabetes and improved health related quality of life. Once the comfort is enhanced, the individual is likely to increase the health seeking behaviors by actively practicing mindfulness based stress reduction for better

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