Mitt Romney's Views On Energy In The United States

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The 2012, the election was primarily between candidates Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. They both were very different, and had and still have incredibly different viewpoints for this country and its future. As you know, Obama won, but they both had many thoughts and opinions about the country during their election. An example of that, is their views on energy. This essay will focus on their different and similar views on how to handle energy in the Unites States. First, I’ll start with Mitt Romney. This was the countries majority liked republican candidate. He was the closest to being president versus current President Obama. His views on energy were very clear. He wanted them to come back to the United States. Oil, gas, coal, nuclear, and other energy sources, he thought needed to be controlled independently by the nation itself. By saying that energy should come back the US, he also pointed out that there would be more US jobs available, which was a strong point on his end. Romney also acknowledged the rise in gasoline prices, and pointed out that he supported ethanol subsidies. Ethanol …show more content…

Obama was the favored democrat candidate, and eventually got elected for his second term for president. Obama’s viewed the way oil had been going as positive. He once stated that since he took over as president the US’s dependence on foreign oil had decreased by 50%, which, is a first time in more than 10 years. He also pointed out that on top of oil companies getting profit, they are still getting billions of extra dollars from taxes every year. Obama stated that he thinks some if not all of the money should be changed and to be put into research for better sources of energy and/or to be put into funding these sources. Obama also spoke on using plants and natural and renewable resources to make gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel, rather than using up all of the drilled oil. Obama was more for conserving and altering how energy is

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