Montessori In The Development Of Language Essay

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In the development of language, by Maria Montessori, there are two periods. “One which prepares the nervous channel and the central mechanisms which are to put the sensory channels in relation with the motor channels; and a higher one determined by the higher psychic activities which are exteriorized by means of the preformed mechanisms of language.”1 Development of articulate language happens between age two and seven. In this period attention of the child is turned towards external objects and the memory is especially good. This is also the period when it is possible to acquire all the modulations of a language which would be impossible later. Before the age of seven, also, many defects and imperfections of the language arise, some of them are caused by organic causes, but some are connected with functional defects acquired at the period of the formation of language. These defects are often caused by hearing a words imperfectly pronounced. Montessori experimented with few exercises for the corrections of language: exercise of silence, exercise in graphic language, gymnastic exercises etc. Most children of two or three years already know how to count, which makes it very easy to learn numeration. First didactic material for learning numeration …show more content…

“On our (teacher 's) side, we can have some influence upon the permanence of this phenomenon, by means of repeated "Lessons of Silence." The perfect immobility, the attention alert to catch the sound of the names whispered from a distance, then the carefully co-ordinated movements executed so as not to strike against chair or table, so as barely to touch the floor with the feet–all this is a most efficacious preparation for the task of setting in order the whole personality, the motor forces and the psychical.“2 By such a lessons child is learning all the necessary co-ordinated movements – rising from a chair and sitting down, walking, tiptoeing, following a line drawn on the floor, keeping an upright equilibrium,

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