Behavior Of Prophet Muhammad Essay

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Behavior of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with Society

The responsibility of leading human societies is so important and critical that no one can successfully achieve it without having perfect morals. Therefore, God carefully chose his prophets from among those who carried glorious spirits, extraordinary patience, great tolerance, and other exceptional moral characteristics. It was with this shield of morality that prophets were able to overturn the degraded societies that were plunged in corruption and guided the ignorant people who had gone off track onto the path of virtue and salvation. There is no doubt that prophets and their moral behaviors are the best ways of directing man to his ideal life. The observance of moral principles goes without saying in both personal and in social life. The sublime behaviors of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) carried waves of the uprising of Islam first in Arabian society and after that to the societies all over the world.

1. Change in Beliefs : From the time that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was assigned with the responsibility of prophethood he tried to correct the beliefs of people and distance them from the statues. Idolatry did not consist simply of believing that Allah had associates; the statues, which had been elevated to the level of deities, were worshiped and involved in daily life. Therefore, …show more content…

In fact, Prophet Muhammad said: "The most blessed of you are those who learn and teach the Quran." Prophet Muhammad indicated the importance of learning how to read and write to both men and women as he appointed Shifa bint Abdillah to teach the women. In fact, the Prophet set the redemption for Bedir, one of the captives who knew how to write and read, as teaching 10 Muslim children to write and read. Also, many of the prophet Companions were appointed to teach the Quran and the

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