Democracy In South Africa Essay

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This study investigates the absence of policy implementation which must adhere to the constitution. Therefore policies when they are not properly implemented effectively tend to erode threatening democracy indicators which lead to violation of human rights. The focus is on democracy indicators and its complexities post 1995. The African National Congress is the liberator and the organization that fought for freedom since 1912 when it was established, which it later received its power since the transition to democracy in April 1994 (MacKinnon, 2012:7). South Africa has eleven official languages, yet its divisions are very great within different cultures (Ross, 2008:1). The colonial rule and apartheid government both left an enormous space of pain and unreconciled society (Coombes, 2003: 9). Therefore the …show more content…

South Africa’s successful struggle for freedom and democracy is one of the most interesting aspects in the late 20th century. The racial segregation of apartheid ended with a negotiated transition to a non-racial democracy, but not without of course the considered personal cost to thousands of men, women, and young people who were affected. The lasting popular image of South Africa’s transition from apartheid is of a “miracle” that enabled the country to achieve a peaceful shift to democracy under the leadership of Nelson Mandela and other beacons of the struggle (Mandela, 2013:4). The question which stands is what are democracy Indicators? This is one of the aspects that needs to be unpacked as many issues are affected by instability and sustainability brought by the absence of policy implementation particularly on service delivery (McFaul, 2009: 71). This doesn’t leaves out the importance of primary health care, education and GDP as outlined in the World

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