
New Deal Dbq

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Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal reform programs aimed at ensuring “every man … [had] the right to make a comfortable living” (Give Me Liberty!, p.811). Further, Roosevelt, unlike Hoover, agreed that it was the government's responsibility to address the adversities brought upon citizens by the Great Depression. The Great Depression in the United States began on October 29, 1929. After taking office in 1933, over the next eight years, Roosevelt would be dedicating his presidency towards attempting to stabilize the economy and provide jobs and relief to those in need. The implementations of these programs brought prosperity to many Americans.

Roosevelt’s New Deal reform brought about many possibilities but also minor limits. Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to combat The Great Depression began day after the inaugural address, Roosevelt declared a four day bank holiday that stopped citizens from withdrawing money from risky banks. Moreover, he later passed the Emergency Banking Act which reorganized banks and closed the ones that were disposable. The Great Depression was also the initiation of the National Industry Recovery Act. Although it was aimed to quickly reestablish “industrial freedom,” the Act became mired in controversy as large companies dominated the code-writing process (Give Me Liberty!, p.814). …show more content…

However, some aspects of the New Deal reform did fall below expectations. The New Deal brought programs to citizens such as the Social Security Act which guaranteed a minimal standard of living for the old and retired. Further, under the New Deal, the government protected labor rights by allowing workers to organize and form unions. For example, union supporting minimum wage laws, eight hours day rules, unemployment compensation, and workers safety laws were

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