
New Deal Dbq

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Statistics show the by the end of the great depression, the US doubled their economy. This shows that Great Depression was a great time for the United States. The Great Depression brought many benefits to the US. A major benefit was the New Deal, which brought many programs and projects under it. Some other benefits were right to bargain collectively and safety net. On the other hand, others might think that the Great depression was a negative period of time. One of it was that millions of families were physically dispossessed. The Great Depression changed America, improving it and making it a better place.
The New Deal were program that gave faith to Americans to show them that hard work pays off. “New Deal was President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s program to pull the United States out of the Great Depression in the 1930’s. The New Deal did not end the Depression. However, it relieved much …show more content…

“The economic crisis of the 1930s overwhelmed private charities and local governments. In South Texas, the Salvation Army provided a penny per person each day. In Philadelphia, private and public charities distributed $1 million a month in poor relief. This amount, however, provided families with only $1.50 a week for groceries. In 1932, total public and private relief expenditures amounted to $317 million--$26 for each of the nation's 12 1/2 million jobless.” -(DigitalHistory) This explains how many families during the great depression were jobless and charity had to provide money to nearly 13 million. However this opposing view is incorrect because during The Great Depression world war 2 was also happening. World War 2 provide jobs to the jobless because most people were drafted into war. “During the war 17 million new civilian jobs were created, industrial productivity increased by 96 percent, and corporate profits after taxes doubled.” -(prospect) This show all the new job openings during wartime that gave the jobless

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