
Panaza To Panza Analysis

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To me, this monologue, Panza to Panza, can be seen as being very vulnerable. When I am getting ready for bed and I change out of my nice clothes and into an old t-shirt, take off my makeup, and put on my glasses, I feel the most exposed in a way. There is nothing for me to hide behind. Presenting this sort of self to anyone, and a romantic partner in particular, can be kind of scary. The last person you would want judging you, is seeing you at your most authentic self, and it is intimidating. You want them to accept you for who you are, blemishes, panza, and all. This piece does an excellent job in showing that are insecurities may be the thing that a person loves most about us. In Western culture, the body has always been associated with women. Women’s bodies have been used for property, sex, and so many other objectifying means. There has been this ‘perfect’ body that has been created which every woman should possess, an hourglass figure with a flat stomach. Panza to Panza demonstrates how perfect a woman’s body is, even if it is not part of this ideal that has been set …show more content…

Within the opening bio, it states that a woman, Vicki, enters with “the swagger of a Chicana macha. Legs wide and attitude large.” This type of introduction would have one stereotype that Vicki is going to be tough and hard, a dominator. However, she proves us wrong in the language she uses when describing her partner, she talks adoringly of her and as if they are equals. She calls themselves, “pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.” Along with this rejection of domination, intersectional feminism thus recognizes that Vicki is going to be faced with different types of oppressions and discriminations based on the fact that she is a Latina lesbian woman; she faces triple jeopardy in a sense. Both Vicki and her partner are going to have different experiences than other women around

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