Essay On Traditional Education

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Pankhurst (1962:62) observes that the mother took charge of the child’s early education while the father took over the son’s education when the child was about six or seven years old in Ethiopia. The same author indicated that grandparents were responsible for the transmission of education through stories told around bonfires at night. He adds that the family predates schooling and it may well outlast schooling. It is the natural means of rearing the young among the family. Thus, each learner is as a child and as an adult. The native people educated their children very effectively. Therefore, traditional education was a life-long process and progress from one age to another (Wagaw, 1979:8).

Importantly, perpetrate the culture of the ethnic group, preserving the ethnic boundaries and inculcating feelings of group supremacy and community lives. Individualistic tendencies are discouraging through formal teaching and instead education aimed at harmoniously integrating person into the social group. Informal methods of teaching were predominant in traditional society (Pankhrust, 1986:12). The child is cherished by the concern of all society and belonged to all naturally have a special relationship with their parents.

Moreover, education of the …show more content…

Monetary support includes levies, fees, and fundraising made for schools supplement for teacher salaries, for rehabilitation of classrooms and construction of schools. Non-monetary forms participation includes varied activities range from attending to the school meeting and in assembly to active participation in every step of school decisions (Beyene, 2006:29). Besides, parents were often required to make contributions in cash and in-kind for school operation, infrastructure, and maintenance as well as supplement salary for teachers and other school staff in Ethiopia (Beyene,

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