The Negative Consequences Of Parenting

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Parents and their children have a significant impact on each other due to their actions, attitudes, and words. Parents are a huge part in how children grow up and learn starting from where they live to deciding what the child can and cannot do. Some of these factors can be involuntary or not known about, but they still have an impact on the other person such as thoughts, beliefs, or comments made when one thinks that the other person is not around. The tone of parenting that is set can change both the parents and child’s life. Every parent and their style is different, but every style has consequences and effects that come from it. There are ways of parenting that are considered the best or the worst, but it depends on the people in the relationship …show more content…

One factor that can affect behavior includes the way that the children are disciplined. Negative, or aggressive, punishment may not teach the child that their behavior was not good but instead it could impact their behavior even more. Negative punishments is commonly known for pushing the child to react in an aggressive way. “When a parent elects to use physical punishment, such as spanking, it does not teach the child how to change his behavior. Children can also react aggressively to physical punishment. When parents chooses alternate forms of punishment, such as time-outs, they are helping modify the child’s bad behavior in a calm manner”(Erickson). It is important for parents to set good examples for their children, negative or inappropriate examples can affect the children’s behavior. There are many other factors that impact behavior besides discipline, such as thoughts, feelings, or certain beliefs. Though a parent may love their child and want to show warmth and support it could be hard to do so when their child is misbehaving. Attitudes of parents can affect the children’s behavior, for example if the parent is stressed out or annoyed the children could feel as if they are the cause. “Children can learn to shut themselves down and may even think that they are the cause of the stress. If stress is handled positively, it helps children see that their parents ' love for them never changes, even when they are stressed out”(Erickson). Children learn and evolve as they grow up so they change how they behave and learn. “In accord with the realization that children’s behaviour affects that of their parents, researchers have found that, whereas parent attitudes affect child behaviour, this relation shifts as the child grows, with adolescent behaviour having an impact on parenting style and attitudes”(Grusec). Though the parents have a big impact on the children it is

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