
Patellar Dislocation Research Paper

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Patellar Dislocation and Subluxation With Phase I Rehab

Patellar dislocation and patellar subluxation are injuries that happen when the kneecap (patella) slips out of its normal position in a groove in the end of the thighbone (femur). In a patellar dislocation, the kneecap slips all the way out of the groove. In a patellar disoclation, it slips partly out of the goove.

This injury may be caused by:

A hit to the knee.

Firmly pointing the foot outward and bending the knee with the thigh turned inward. This can happen when twisting or pivoting.


This injury is more likely to develop in people who certain kinds of sports, including:

Contact sports, such as soccer.

Sports that require jumping, such as …show more content…

An X-ray exam. This may be done to make see if a bone has broken.

In some cases, your health care provider may look inside your knee joint with an instrument much like a pencil-sized telescope (arthroscope). This may be done to make sure you have no loose cartilage in your joint.

This condition is treated by moving the patella back into position. In many cases, this can be done by hand. However, sometimes it must be done with surgery. Treatment may also involve:

Wearing a knee brace to keep your knee from moving (immobilized) while it heals.

Doing exercises to help improve strength and movement in your knee.

Taking medicine to help with pain and inflammation.

Applying ice to the knee to help with pain and inflammation.

Surgery to prevent the patella from slipping out of place. This may be needed if the injury happens often.


If You Have a Brace:

Wear it as told by your health care provider. Remove it only as told by your health care provider.

Loosen the brace if your toes become numb and tingle, or if they turn cold and blue.

Do not let your brace get wet if it is not …show more content…

It may be helpful to place a folded towel under the end of your thigh.

Place the ankle of your healthy leg on top of the other ankle.

Use your healthy leg to gently bend your knee until you feel a mild tension across the top of your knee.

Hold for seconds.

Switch your ankles so your leg is on top.

Use your healthy leg to straighten your knee until you feel a mild tension on the back side of your knee.

Hold for seconds.

Repeat times. Complete this exercise times per day.

Exercise C: Knee Flexion, Supine

Lie on the floor in front of a door frame with your heel and foot lightly touching the wall. Or, lie in front of a wall and place both feet on the wall.

Without using any effort, allow gravity to slide your foot down the wall slowly until you feel a gentle stretch in the front of your knee.

Hold this stretch for seconds.

Then return the leg to the starting position, using your healthy leg to help if needed.

Repeat times. Complete this stretch times per day.


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