
Personal Reflective Essay: Moving To North Carolina

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Three years ago, my life took a turn for the better. I moved from Virginia to North Carolina after my freshman year and it was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. Throughout my transition of moving and living in North Carolina with my family, I have reached my full potential and have thrived in my academics. I have pushed myself to be the best of my ability in my academics. I am also an active member of my community through spending my time volunteering in many different forms. Before moving to North Carolina, my academics were not my top priority, they were not very important to me at the time. I was not influenced by my teachers or any adults around me. They did not care enough to push me to be the best that I can be, work hard and be an active member in my school or community. Due to the lack of encouragement, I was not as responsible and focused on my academics as I should have been. My grades were not what they could have been. I was not worried about thriving to get superlative grades, or pushing myself to be the best I could be. I was not an active member in my school or community while living in Virginia. Community …show more content…

I was surrounded by a close, caring and loving community. I began to see the endless opportunities my education could offer me. Through setting up a pathway filled with challenging honor classes and CTE classes that interested me, I truly began to care for my academics. Every teacher encouraged me to be the best I could be. During my time at Midway, I learned a lot of responsibility and took pride in my work. Through my hard work and dedication, I was rewarded with many academic achievements. I was inducted into the National Beta Club and the National CTE Honors Society I also received an academic all-star award my junior year. I was able to have room in my schedule to dual enroll at Sampson Community College and take to college credit

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