Personal Statement

503 Words3 Pages

This semester has been an eye-opening experience into the world of agriculture. It has been a fun learning adventure from working in a lab to wrestling sheep. I learned that agriculture is in many aspects of daily life, even in something as simple as grocery shopping. So much goes into the ground beef or the corn that you buy. Someone raised a calf to sale or planted the seed with their own hands. Farmers put a great effort into the food they produce. There is also a good amount of research and lab work that goes into the production of food. Every day while going through our days we do not see all the work that goes into our food. All this work is working towards a greater good, producing more from less. To help with one of the world’s greatest problems, world hunger. People are trying everyday to improve the production of food to help …show more content…

Science does a lot of good in the world, helping the biggest problems the world faces today. Agriculture and science go hand and hand together, from vaccines to pesticides. I want to make a difference in the world, I want to make other people’s lives better. If I could just help one animal or person I will accomplish my goal, but first I need to put forth an effort towards my goal. Being in my sophomore year I realized I need to apply myself more, in class and out. Join clubs that interest me and get involved within the school. As well as outside of school, there are great things I can do that the university has shown me, from internships and jobs. If I want to accomplish what I want, I need to be focus and stay on task. I need to take every opportunity that is shown to me that may help me towards my goal. There are so many great opportunity at every corner here and I need to take advance of that. In the end, I am very grateful for the great staff here that want to help, and realized what my end goals are and how I need to achieve

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