
Post Traumatic Stress Scenarios

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In pedagogy, the purpose as a fitness professional is to teach and share your knowlege on the study of human movement in hopes that your client will utilize what they learn and apply it to their fitness. Part that also includes being able to encourage your client, provide variety of method, and determine what is the most effective way for person to learn. In order to motivate my client to be consistent with the program I would have to start off by looking at their background information. Be able to examine the client 's strenghs, weakness, their goals, and how they learn best in a social setting. After I am able to get idea of how the person works, I would provided a plan with the client to help them stick with the program and improve on their …show more content…

In order to help my clients to stick to their program is to continue to motivate and praise the for their hard work. I need to help my clients focus on having a positive attitudes. Improving the client 's mental toughness is to teach them to be motivated by success rather than focus on avoiding or fearing failure. Those who are motivated by success will have strong resilience. However, those who are focused on the fear of failure will only be feel disappointment and less motivated as the workout become difficult. Besides it is expected to experience failure on occasions. The focus is help clients continue to get back up and be persistent. Clients will learn to avoid feeling sorry for themselves and be motivated to experience change. Part helping the clients to feel at ease with difficult tasks is by incorprate rest days, cheat days, and rewards. Sticking to a program does not mean that clients are not allowed to take a certain day off to enjoy rest or a treat. By setting a reward fullfilling a certain goal will allow the to be more likely motivated to continue their hard

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