Proposal Of Plant Vegetables In India

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PUNJAB AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY SYNOPSIS OF RESEARCH PROBLEM OF POST GRADUATE STUDENT: M.Sc. Name of Student : Sandeep Kaur Admission No : L-2017-A-53-M Major Subject : Entomology Minor Subject : Plant Pathology Major Advisor : Dr Sanjay Kumar Sahoo Assistant Residue Analyst 1.Title ESTIMATION OF FENAZAQUIN RESIDUES IN BRINJAL , OKRA AND SOIL 2. Introduction India is the second largest producer of vegetables in the world, next to China. Vegetables are cultivated on an area of 8.5 million hectares, with the production of 146.55 million tonnes and productivity is 17.5 tonnes per hectare (NHB, 77676). Insect pests are major biotic constraints to vegetables production in India. Apart from causing direct damage many of them also act as vectors for several viral diseases. These insect pests upon feeding suck plant nutrients and cause uneven ripening. In vegetables, 30-40 per cent crop losses are due to sucking pest incidence (Rai et al 2014). Sucking insects reproduce rapidly and cause damage hence it is tedious to control the sucking insects with insecticides. Although, these sucking insects develop resistance to the chemicals. According to Agnihotri (1999) for better quality and yield of vegetable crops, various classes of pesticides are used for crop protection due to the severe pest attacks throughout the crop season. In India, Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) is also known as egg plant

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