
Ptlls Assignment 1

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Strategy #1: Modeling / PORPE tool (e.g., Predict, Organize, Review, Practice, and Evaluate) will be used to provide students support when explaining in greater detail the concept development process, using examples of text such as books and articles that are relevant to the assignment (Allan & Miller, 2005). Strategy #2: Reciprocal Questioning: Reciprocal questioning will be used to check for understanding throughout the lesson. This will support the student's learning by allowing them to formulate their own list of questions to deepen their learning. Additionally, Reciprocal questioning improves student’s questioning and reasoning skills (Manzo, 1968). Strategy #3: Authentic learning: I will use authentic learning as an approach to monitor …show more content…

This will support students by working cooperatively with the teacher to increase their understanding of each requirement (Borich, 2011). Focus Student 1 (Above Proficient) was among this group that met or exceeded the standard in every area identified in the rubric. Additionally, student 1 will be provided enrichment activities to progress his learning. I will build upon their knowledge using strategies to increase my student’s understanding of how to prepare an informative explanatory text using topics that consider the audience. These strategies will assist them with providing credible facts and definitions, well developed points, and a concluding statement that is relative to the topic in their text. Focus Student 2 (Proficient) There were five of twenty students (25%) that were rated as below standard in Structure-introduction/conclusion and Elaboration-text features of the Common Core State Standard criteria found in the rubric. Focus Student 2 (Proficient) and student # 4 (ELL/Novice) were among this group and performed below the standard in both areas …show more content…

In order to make connections to the previous lesson, students will recall information that was previously learned, such as the definition of main idea and detail, explain the ways to identify the main idea, and describe details in a story. Making connections to skills they have previously learned adds value to the content the students are learning. I will model examples, guide instruction, and allow students to collaborate with peers in order to support student learning until they are able to identify the main idea and describe supporting details on their own. There will be differentiated instruction and assessments for students on different learning levels. It is important to teach to the students’ learning needs in order to see progress in all students. I will focus on my three focus students to prepare them for future lessons focused on main idea and details. Student A and the above level subgroup demonstrated advanced abilities to identify the main idea and describe details from a story for Lesson 2. These students will be asked to explain their reasoning during instruction in order to advance their thinking and share their thoughts with their peers, so their peers can learn from their responses as well. Student A and other above level

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